
Wednesday, August 20, 2014

Learning English – Lesson Seven (Health and Exercise) part II

The way you take care of your health depends on many different factors. The things you put in to your body, such as alcohol and cigarette smoke, have the ability to affect the way your body functions. Alcohol damages the brain and liver, while cigarettes cause damage to the lungs. The combination of both can lead to many forms of cancer. The phrase ‘smoke and drink yourself to death’ is a very true one. Besides taking regular exercise, you must also ensure that you are getting enough rest. For example, by making sure that you are getting plenty of sleep every night. The sleeping process allows your body to unwind mentally, while at the same time, recharging you physically.

One, two, three,! It’s okay. I’m just exercising my word-power. Please yourself! Believe it or not, it is possible to exercise too much. You can do too much exercise. If you work out too often, or try to push your body too far then you run the risk of causing damage to your muscles and joints. It is better to do a little over a short time, rather than a lot over a long time. Especially if you are not used to taking exercise. Just one hours exercise per day should be enough to keep you feeling fit. If you ever find yourself feeling any pain or dizziness during exercise, then you should stop. For most people, daily moderate exercise, with a once or twice weekly workout will be sufficient. Remember! Overdoing exercise can be just as bad as not doing it enough.

There are many sports activities that can give you a vigorous workout and help keep you fit. Such as…badminton, football, squash, tennis, and volleyball. Another great activity is…swimming, which is good for giving you a relaxing all-over body workout as you float (and move) in the water. Without all that tiring muscle strain.

Health and Exercise. There has never been a time when the issue of health has been such a hot topic. Our hectic lifestyle and the need for that magic quick fix from a burger or a bar of chocolate has lead to an ever-growing proportion of us becoming unhealthy. Eating less and exercising more are both easier said than done. But just like anything, a habit can be changed or broken. With a little determination and will power, it is possible to change the way you live and keep in shape. Just an hour a day, for a walk around the block or a couple of workout sessions per week at the local gym can help you stay as fit as a fiddle.

That’s better! Going out on a fine day for a spot of exercise is the best way (of keeping) to keep your body in good condition. Of course you don’t always have to do something strenuous or tiring to say fit. Taking a brisk thirty minute walk at least once a day is a great way to stay in shape. If the weather is not good, then you can walk up and down the stairs in your house a few times. The important thing is to work your body and tire it out a little. That is all from me for today. Stay healthy and happy, until the next time we meet. This is Misterduncan in England saying, thank you for watching me, teaching you..and of course..ta-ta for now.

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